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Ximboland democracy failures and how to address it

Miss Bimbo
Level 76
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27.12.2023 03:45:37

ButterfIy wrote:
KatieBoutique wrote:
I think Mariolka can speak for himself.
Mariolka?  How about it?  
Why should he feel like he has to? If LillyAnn knows the context and intricacies of the situation, why should Mariolka be forced to have a conversation with a group of people who a) deliberately bait him into acerbic responses, b) actively despise him and c) will and always have endeavoured to misrepresent everything others say to fit their own agenda? Everyone has been perfectly fine speaking on behalf of others, e.g. PlushKlavier, throughout the entirety of this thread and this is no different.

Regardless of what they think about Mariolka, their accounts are currently unbanned much to our collective ire. If he was as vindictive as they say, would he let their histrionics go unpunished? I doubt it. Seems to me, once again, that the usual suspects are whingeing because someone doesn’t venerate them.

Also, since we’ve been talking about the ostensible corruptness on the site, why was it okay for Boomboglizzy to jail me one day before the State Minister election I planned to take part in? I hadn’t posted messages in the preceding days to my recollection, and if she wanted to jail me for prior messages, would it not stand to reason that she thus should have done so at the time of those respective messages rather than calculatingly jail me to prevent my participation? The site is literally losing senators because of things like this. Maybe she was intimidated by my average frame and huge tits? That’s the narrative I’m going with, anyway.

You were not a senator nor have you ever mentioned being interested in the SM elections. I jailed you because you were being unnecessarily rude which was discussed with the PH. If you were upset over being jailed leading up to SM elections, I would’ve assumed you’d message Blecky, the FP or myself regarding that as you do have contact with us outside of XL. (you didn’t.) You don’t have to broadcast your plans for wanting to be SM if you wanted to be mysterious or whatever about it, but you had every chance to message someone regarding it if it really made you that upset. 

This is the first time i’ve heard about you wanting to be an SM during this term. 

I didn’t calculate anything, you were acting like a fool leading up to SM elections. 

Hope this helps! xx

Now stop name dropping me, i’m running on a treadmill as i’m typing this and you’re really ruining the vibe for me. I’m doing this so I can share my weight loss tips with you.

27.12.2023 03:45:37
click the magic leaf -> 
Level 60
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27.12.2023 04:24:42

I'll pray for that poor treadmill. Take care, love, I'll definitely be reporting you for jailing me.

27.12.2023 04:24:42
“Then two years ago, I became a public figure representing domestic abuse, and I felt the full force of our culture’s wrath for women who speak out.” -Amber Heard
Level 76
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Posts: 736
27.12.2023 04:41:17

and to that;

27.12.2023 04:41:17
click the magic leaf -> 
Level 266
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27.12.2023 05:27:40

I miss lovie and wee woo wee woo hottie alerts.

27.12.2023 05:27:40
Katie Boutique
Level 52
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27.12.2023 10:47:04

Kirsty has claimed her outfit from a page back was unrelated to Miss Bimbo. However I would just like to discuss as it is related to ximbolands democracy.
How do people feel about parody on this site?
Like, if someone was to parody Miss Bimbo, is it parody or is it undermining Team President? 

27.12.2023 10:47:04
she/they learn mandarin with me ^v^ or if you prefer vtubers :3
like peoples forum posts and comments.
comment more than you receive and ill make sure to comment on your profile!
Level 59
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27.12.2023 15:30:32

ximboglizzy wrote:

You were not a senator nor have you ever mentioned being interested in the SM elections. I jailed you because you were being unnecessarily rude which was discussed with the PH. If you were upset over being jailed leading up to SM elections, I would’ve assumed you’d message Blecky, the FP or myself regarding that as you do have contact with us outside of XL. (you didn’t.) You don’t have to broadcast your plans for wanting to be SM if you wanted to be mysterious or whatever about it, but you had every chance to message someone regarding it if it really made you that upset. 

This is the first time i’ve heard about you wanting to be an SM during this term. 

I didn’t calculate anything, you were acting like a fool leading up to SM elections. 

Hope this helps! xx

Now stop name dropping me, i’m running on a treadmill as i’m typing this and you’re really ruining the vibe for me. I’m doing this so I can share my weight loss tips with you.
It doesn't take a genius to figure out that my intention was to put up my programme and purchase my senator subscription immediately before the election to avoid this situation, though I'm not one who would overestimate the intelligence of a fledgling nurse who thinks endocrinologist/diabetes specialist is a more accurate description of a DSN.

Firstly, why does anyone need to disclose their desire or intention to become a State Minister to you? Not only was your second term the equivalent of watching paint dry, you are woefully insignificant (unlike some of your facial features, of course). Secondly, how do you know I did not message anyone regarding the situation? Not to be presumptuous, but someone with fingers your size would definitely struggle entering my discord password which contains many keys in close proximity to each other; again, you fail to digest (which does not happen often) the concept that you do not have access to my messages and resultantly have no clue regarding whether the matter was discussed. Much like where it pertains to healthcare, you lack the ability to rationally examine the facts ahead (no pun intended) of you, and will struggle in your chosen profession. Thirdly, if you're aware that I am not required to broadcast my plans to you, why are you then using that as justification for your actions? I'd ask you to keep up, but it's clear as day that you may be missing a few chromosomes at this point. Though I am happy with the outcome of the election, intentionally barring people from voting in elections or partaking in them isn't what I'd call transparent behaviour, which is why you're obviously struggling to stir-up a compelling narrative in your cauldron.

Glad to hear that you are finally taking your health seriously; there is nothing more ironic than a healthcare professional (and I use that term loosely) in poor shape. If you need me, I will be enquiring about finance options for a few cosmetic procedures that my friend, a financially struggling nursing student, is in dire need of. I believe a breast lift, forehead reduction, rhinoplasty, lip lift, liposuction, tummy tuck, hairline transplant and HRT for her POI would work wonders for her self-esteem and overall unattractive, bulky appearance. Hope this helps, and I will keep that treadmill in my prayers!

27.12.2023 15:30:32
I am pro-Israel, DNI if pro-Palestine, thank you!
Level 76
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Posts: 736
27.12.2023 15:59:53

short answer: you didn’t look or notify any of us. Sorry for the inconvenience. There’s always next time, we currently have a lovely SM. Waiting for the last second to post your EP and become a senator when i believe you had at least a full week to do so is on you. Acting out in ways that was inappropriate was on you. 

27.12.2023 15:59:53
click the magic leaf -> 
Level 235
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27.12.2023 17:21:18

KatieBoutique wrote:
LillyAnn…Prime Bestie…I want to say something about you
and I want it to live forever in Bimboland History buried in this thread.

You are the only person in this game who had the balls to bring PinConeUpMyAss to trial.
No one else, including Mariolka, wanted to do anything.
For that alone…you have my eternal thanks.

The details of that investigation are still Top Secret…
But the end results are known:
I didn’t get so much as a thank you from any administrator
For the costly Job I did for them.  

Not a peep…from you either, Mariolka.
I did your job for you. 5 months of my time, every day
and at the very end…I found out you did a simple search query,
and saw for yourself the damage she had done.
Where was the “Thank you Katie” DM…from you?  There wasn’t one.
Instead, you crashed my Mailman Outfit Contest
And ruined the fun.  
Get over here MarrQ…and let’s talk about your Mailman Outfits.
You are a no show.  Except on outside, Ximboland Servers.  
Come here…and thank me.  Just that will help heal something.

LillyAnn…you have a great sense of humor, and have balls of steel.  
You are not The Problem.  Neither is Miss Bimbo.

Mariolka…you are the problem.  

You are The Elephant in the room

Thank you Katie for the kind words, I truly appreciate it.
Rest assured that your work and help with that didn't pass unnoticed. It was never a secret that you pulled the most back then, did almost all the work and I am sincerely grateful for it. The credit for it goes to you, I just dealt with the official part. Team President is aware of your and another player's (not mentioning username here because I am uncertain she agreed to be mentioned in public) contribution. Just checked the email I sent back then so yes, it is all there. Rest assured no one has ever wanted to take the credit for it away from you, I certainly haven't.
Here is one small part from that email, I am sharing it because it was my email and I don't need anyone's permissions for sharing it since no third party is involved

What is known to me is that you have contacted Sachem regarding that matter, not Mariolka. Sachem also was the one who checked Pine's duel pattern, confirmed cheating to me and mentioned you have reported it.
What is not known to me is whether or not someone more was messaged about it and if yes - who. We were in it together and I was transparent with you with my actions but can't say for sure it was mutual. This is the first time I hear you have expected the answer specifically from Mariolka.
If you have reported the issue using the 'report a problem' button at the bottom of the page be aware these reports go to all admins, not one of them. Same way the one who saw it first replies to it. In that sense it doesn't really matter much who saw it and replied, it is important the problem has been addressed.
If you contacted them both in private it makes sense for you to expect feedback from everyone you have messaged, tho since they work together it is not strange they shared it and only one replied to you. Or to me, as Sachem did. Same way, sometimes more than one FP member reports the same issue and not all of us get a separate reply but rather only one, usually PB, and share it with the rest. It is not a thing to be taken too personally, what matters is that the answer is there.

I get if you feel you were left out and expected a more personal response from TB. I don't know if it matters anything to you, but for the biggest part of my terms which is a whole year in total, I also had very sporadic contact with TB. On some messages I've never gotten a reply. Some issues I reported over a year ago got dealt with just recently, during Blecky's 2nd term. Some ideas about updates that I brought up during my first term came to realization during Blecky's terms. Some ideas for which I am sure BL would benefit from a lot I introduced in my second email never even were discussed.

Should I take it personally and be annoyed? - Maybe. Yeah, I was annoyed at some point over waiting for replies on issues and suggestions I saw important for days, even months (in case I actually got one). Then I realized I don't need bitterness and negativity, instead I can focus on positive stuff and use that energy for something constructive and fun. PB position has its limitations but my point was to do my best and max it out with frequent events, contests of various kinds, some kind of contests I introduced we have never had before, bringing back IG contests, promotions that I ran on my own using my own resources for it (you can see some of it on IG), gifting designers with my own resources (Ds were for all, senatorships for some who were frequent with their work but not senators), gifting PBFC theme winners from my pocket again with buying them subscription or giving out my own Ds (while previous PBs had a privilege to not use their own resources but instead the game covered for prizes), rewarding my team (my own resources again), ran 2 actions for donations - one was for the cat shelter, another for one of our players, did my best to be responsive to players both in BL, dc or IG (in short anywhere I had access too), reporting their problems for them, banning literally thousands of bots (about 10K, maybe more), rewarding players who reported them (using my own resources again), the list goes on.

Was I a fool for doing all ^^ of that, for treating BL, taking care of it and investing in it like it was my own business which it is clearly not or like I was a real employee with a decent wage? Maybe. Maybe I was the biggest fool in BL history for doing all of that, spending a lot of time, energy and money on it and what for? To be dragged in here like some criminal or BL biggest villain by some group of players because I
1) followed the rules both the one introduced by MB a few years ago and those me and my team introduced (with a blessing of MB, yeah, checked my emails for that one too)
2) for just not being able to meet everyone's wishes
3) for simple disagreements on some matters
4) for making a couple of obvious jokes that some decided to take too seriously and to extreme
5) (...)

And still, let's assume it all made sense because PB gets paid after all. But, there was work I used to do for BL a few years before becoming PB for free.
Let's see... literally thousands of items added in the shop by myself alone. Even at the times when there were more shop workers, I was the most frequent. And I am not pulling it from my a$$, I have evidence of my work as well as of previous shop workers' work. Some of them have added literally zero items for a time period that was longer than a year or even more. Did hundreds of recolor requests, added names to items that had no name at all and so were impossible to be found in shops, fixed positions of God only knows how many items, sorted many in proper categories, and so on...

Are you aware how many hours and time it took? It lasted for a couple of years, not months. Do you think someone was thankful for that for real?
That could be a whole new topic to be discussed. Yes, there was some 'thank you' here and there from some players after their requests were met, but such things get forgotten fast, in a day or few, and then come new requests and same thing all over again. I learned well how long that 'thank you' lasts and how easily it gets forgotten everything that has been done before when some of the requests were not met.
Do you think MB or admins said 'Thank you' for it - not really, except for Mariolka who recognized it and commented that I've done a lot and never asked for anything in return for myself but always asked for others.
But should I expect or demand MB or other admins to come saying 'thank you' or acknowledge it or reward it one way or another? -Nah, I don't think so. It's their choice, the same way certain things were mine.

Should I be salty or vindictive because of that? Maybe, but I am not. Wondering why not? - Because, at the end of the day, it was MY choice. Neither Mariolka, Kimsim, Sachem or MB asked me for all of that. I decided I wanted to do it and did it. I liked doing it and enjoyed it. As long as I had resources and time for it I was doing it per my own choice because I liked and wanted it.
Was I dumb for doing it and not expecting, even less asking for anything in return, that is a totally different topic. Someone may say I was dumb, I don't really care. I am at peace with myself because I knew I did something good and enjoyed doing it. For that I don't really need any external validation.
I can say too it was someone else's job. I can also say I spent a lot of time and other resources I could spend on something else that most likely would be more appreciated and valued and so on. But it is too late now to think about that. Time cannot be reversed, can't and don't want to be bothered by that. It was the choice I made and I am responsible for it. All that matters at this moment is that I can make different choices now and in the future. Or the same, if decide so and take responsibility for that.

Katie, we might disagree on this matter or other matters, I also have no idea what is your perception of me now, am I still Prime Bestie or if I ever was. But consider this as a friendly suggestion. You did a good thing with your investigation on Pine. You were doing it because you wanted to. If this can make things easier, imagine that you were helping me. I am grateful for what you did and wish I was able to reward you somehow since it was during my terms. Even if you didn't have any intention to help me, but did it for other reasons, I am still thankful because you did an amazing job, did the right thing and players and the game benefited from it.

1) When it comes to court cases - it was the job of other admins, Kimsim and Bobitzka. They used to handle it in the past. Mariolka, Sachem and MB have never dealt with it. Also, court was not a common thing to use, it was used a couple of times only by mentioned admins and a few years later by Dye and myself.
2) 'Thank you' - I referred to it already, the biggest portion of this post is about that
3) Mailman contest - Just went back to it to read it again. Can't agree Mariolka crashed it and ruined the fun. There was a contest, right? There was the fun. All he said was that mailman won't be updated again, after it was updated a few days before it. Moreover, first mailman was updated, then you made a contest after the update. Did you consider talking with Blecky first regarding it? She was PB at that time and perhaps could have dealt with it.
4) Mariolka is the problem and the elephant in the room - How about MB taking care of that elephant? Mariolka works for MB, MB pays him, not the people in this thread. As an employee he has an obligation to be accountable towards his employer and co-workers. If he has to explain himself to someone then these people are Chris and perhaps the rest of the admin team. He may but is not obligated to do it here. Chris has posted already that he is working on the issue and will report back.
Is it necessary to force it? Chris had a chance to see the same stuff and evidence over and over again during the past few years anyway. It was not a secret and was all over the place as well as many past and current players have Chris's email. Maybe C and M have already dealt with it indeed, maybe not. It is not on me to make assumptions. In the past (speaking of the last 2-3 years), several times a couple of players already talked about they emailed it to Chris and the rest of TB, whether it's true or not I have no idea. The thing is C has all the info already, and we will get the feedback like he said already.


Reply to one of your previous posts about dc... Chris got my dc username in the very first email I sent as PB in June last year. If he ever wanted to join or add me, I was there. The idea I had was to add him to the PH server if he wanted. If it was too much to be on the server it's understandable, I just thought it would have been handy if he had a dc account to keep in touch there instead of an email. The rest of TB members also have my dc. All of them were welcome to join if they wished.
The server you talked about was made later. If Chris had a dc account and wanted to join it, he would be there of course. Admins know about that server, they were invited, only one joined back then when it was formed and left after some time.
The server is private because it is only for BL players. Not everyone is there, not all players use dc or want to join.

27.12.2023 17:21:18

Welcome new bimbos & himbos ❣   

I identify as transparent, pronounces who/where
(don't take this seriously, because if you do it's your own fault)

Level 70
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27.12.2023 19:30:43

AuntieLice wrote:
All of you create a billion alt accounts and straight up recruit new players to join your cause as if you were starting a revolution, not trying to overthrow a government on a dress up game so you can ban anyone who doesn't follow your far-left American politics you learnt on Tumblr, but are laughed at by everyone in real life. Then when you get banned for breaking 30 different rules, you crawl back here like the roaches you are and claim that you got banned for being "qu**r" (a slur hardly anyone in either gang gets to reclaim), which funnily enough doesn't happen to any other"qu**r" player on the website. All of you have absolute meltdowns when someone doesn't know you identify as male/non-binary even though you're using female avatars and sometimes even female usernames. All of you reuse the same screenshots we've all seen a billion times by now in your desperate attempt to get everyone to hate the PH members and players you dislike. All of you start shit 24/7 and then act like anyone who dares to speak out against you is bothered by your "identity". All of you think you are liberal queens and kings yet you tell gay men they owe their rights and their lives to a trans woman (who didn't even throw the first rock and didn't even identify as a woman) as if gay men took no part in fight for their liberation, you tell racial minorities how to feel about their own cultures and you tell lesbians who belongs in their group and who they have to be attracted to. Most of you are heterosexual females bored with your lives and desperate to be victims (I guess dealing with misogyny isn't interesting enough for you) so you come up with made up identities to feel oppressed enough to police women and actual gay people on how they discuss gender or sexuality. You even share same Discord servers, subreddits and edit eachother's Google documents. 

it is not normal to turn a discussion about game rules and criticisms towards staff into a deranged rant about your obsessive vitriolic hatred of trans people. log off and go touch grass holy shit

27.12.2023 19:30:43
✖ he/him pronouns ✖ chris/sweetasnuts doesnt care about this game
Level 60
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27.12.2023 19:45:45

Coming from a woman who has been having meltdowns and trying to get me banned for two years now. Seek help, dear. Typical Tumblr gang behaviour, start shit without anyone talking to you and then change topics when you get dragged for filth. Go back to writing quick little Google docs xx

27.12.2023 19:45:45
“Then two years ago, I became a public figure representing domestic abuse, and I felt the full force of our culture’s wrath for women who speak out.” -Amber Heard

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What is Ximbo land ?
The Internet republic of Ximbo lands is the worlds first Internet republic.

What is its mission?
To unite the world.

Where is Miss Bimbo was much better than this site.
The Internet republic of Ximbo land was created by Miss Bimbo herself and is its more intelligent successor. The old site was for junior bimbos. This site is for intelligent Ximbos.

What is the national flag of Ximbo land?
Ximbolands Flag

When was the Internet republic of Ximbo land founded

What is the capital city of the Internet republic of Ximbo land?
Bimbo City

How many states make up the internet republic of Ximbo land?
There are 6 states that make up the internet republic of Ximbo lands. They are ­ Atheistia, Freethinkerland, Reasonopia, Agnostica, Secville, and Antitheocra. Bimbo City is the neutral administrative capital and is its own city zone. Boob Island is the home of the President of the Internet republic of Ximbo land

What is a Ximbo citizen?
A ‘Ximbo’ or ‘Ximbo citizen’ is a member of the internet republic of Ximbolands community.

How can I become a Ximbo citizen?
In order to become a citizen of Ximboland you must first pass the Ximbolands citizens test. It is free to become a Ximbo citizen.

What is a Ximbo senator?
A Ximbo senator is a senior member of the Internet republic of Ximbo land. Only senators are eligible to put themselves forward for election to become State Ministers and then ultimately the Prime Ximbo.

Who is the Prime Ximbo?
The Prime Ximbo is the democratically elected head of the Internet republic of Ximbo land.

Where does the Prime Ximbo live?
The Prime Ximbo lives in the Pink House for the 4 month term they are in office.

I want to become Prime Ximbo. How do I do that?
Any Ximbo citizen can become Prime Ximbo using the democratic process. Its a 3 stage process from Senator>State Minister> Prime Ximbo. All Ximbo citizens can vote in general elections but in order to put themselves forward to become Prime Ximbo they must first become a Ximbo senator. All Ximbo senators are electable as state ministers. State Minister elections take place every 4 months also. Only state ministers are eligible to then become the Prime Ximbo.

Can I become Prime Ximbo more than once?
Yes ­ a Ximbo can hold the position of Prime Ximbo for 3 terms max.

How often do elections take place?
The Internet republic of Ximbolands holds elections every 4 months for Prime Ximbo and 4 months for State Minister.

Where do important discussions take place?
The Forum.

What is the treasury/Prime Ximbos salary?
The treasury/salary is the bank account of the Internet republic of Ximbo land. This figure is transferred to the paypal account of the Prime Ximbo at the end of their 4 month term in charge.

How is the treasury calculated?
The treasury is funded by the Ximbo citizens.
A percentage of the money paid by Ximbo citizens via Paypal and SMS is transferred into the Ximbo treasury. The rest is wisely used for further game development.

What's the national colour of Ximbo land?

How old must I be in order to become a Ximbo land citizen?
Anyone over the age of 18 are welcome to become a Ximbo citizen.

When are the national holidays of Ximbo land?
Jan 1st ­ New years day
Feb 12th ­ Darwin day
Feb 14th ­ Lovers day
March 8th ­ Womens day
March 21st ­ Spring solstice
April 13th ­ The Hitchslap Day (Christopher Hitchens birthday)
May 3rd ­ National day of reason
June 21st ­ World Humanist Day
Aug 2nd ­ The Internet republic of Ximbo land national day
Sep 21st ­ Peace one day
Dec 25th ­ Newtons birthday

What is the currency of Ximbo land?
The Ximbo Dollar (B$). Currently it is pegged in value to the US$

Who is the President of Ximbo land?
Miss Bimbo is the president of Ximbo land. She founded the bimbo nation in 2007 after escaping the tyranny, bigotry and and conservatism of the old world. You can read more about her here and here


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