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Block Bad Bimbo

Level 33
Status: Legal Alien
Sex Appeal: 27360
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Posts: 19
10.08.2018 07:32:03

So far it's been well for me.

10.08.2018 07:32:03

Level 23
Status: Senator
Sex Appeal: 9394
Reputation: 7119
Posts: 16
10.08.2018 16:50:31

Esuna, the hypocrisy in this forum is thick, and the logic selective.  If I understand correctly, you are saying that anything is ok, as long as it doesn’t violate the rules.  At the same time, the screaming is loud about the strategic use of blocking, despite the apparently legality of the actions. 

I started tracking my fight data right after joining, primarily because I didn’t want to challenge the same people multiple times.  Repeatedly challenging someone when you know you will win every time seems tacky and bully-like to me, but apparently some other people don’t feel that way:

     - Nicale is at the top on the list for me.  She has started 6 recent fights, and I’ve lost them all, receiving an average of just 0.67 votes per fight. 

     - Orientina is right behind.  She’s started 4 recent fights, and I’ve lost them all, receiving an average of 1.0 votes each time. 

Both of these Bimbos received a bunch of easy wins, and apparently no rules were broken, so completely legal.  Esuna, you’re saying this is just fine, right?  Well, my moral compass says no – I think I’m being used by a couple of high-ranking Bimbos to inflate their scores, and I think they are candidates for blocking, although I haven’t done that.

By the way, I have slipped up and challenged a couple of Bimbos twice, but that was a mistake, not deliberate, and certainly not strategic.  I am truly sorry for my oversight, and I apologize if anyone felt I was targeting them.

Moving on, I think you are saying the reason people lose 5-0 is because they just don’t have an outfit that measures up, and if 4 people feel that way, no reason not to just make it 5.  Well, since you don’t like comparisons to real world come-from-behind scenarios, I took a look at the fight data I’ve accumulated, and it really doesn’t support your assertion:

     - I lost my first fight with CinnamonAndSunshine 5:1, but I won 5:3 a few days later with the same outfits.
     - Crash won our first fight 5:2, then lost a rematch a few days later, 5:1.
     - fuckdonaldtrump lost our first fight 0:5, and won a day later,  5:3.
     - Pet Vicky lost 5:1, and then won a day later 5:3.
     - Tairis won 5:3, then lost 5:1.
     - TokiKonoe won 0:5 and 1:5, then lost 5:4.
     - And finally, my 10th fight after joining was with Nidale, who actually lost 5:0!  I mentioned she’s come back for a rematch 6 times, all but one being 5:0 or 5:1 wins for her.  The other was a 5:2 win for her.  I wonder if the multiple challenges and lopsided losses is her way of punishing me for handing her a 5:0 loss, and it’s to help restore her ego.  Or maybe it’s just about winning fights and doing what it takes to be a top-3 fighter.  But, hey, no rules were broken.

I don’t know the order in which the votes arrived, so they don’t necessarily show come-from-behind wins, but they do show that a 4:0 vote on a particular costume match has nothing to do with a rematch of the same outfits. 

My point, your argument that a 4:0 score shows clear inferiority of one of the outfits doesn’t square with my experience winning big sometimes and then losing badly with the same outfits in a rematch.  It’s all a matter of who is voting and their opinions.  (Or perhaps being targeted by a gang, though I see no evidence of that.)  Being the 5th vote against someone because 4 other people felt that way, rather than actually comparing seems very unfair.  But, the rules permit it, right?  And that means it’s just fine?  God help me if I actually block people who admit to voting this way.

I have blocked just one Bimbo, TokiKonoe.  She usually voted against me, which I could accept.  She’s entitled to her opinion.  However, when she voted in Slutty for a dude in street clothes and no naughty accessories, while I was bare chested, with a transparent half-slip and holding a whip, it was pretty clear she wasn’t being objective.  I felt and still feel my use of blocking was appropriate and consistent with the intent of protecting oneself against perceived bad actors.

In closing, it seems those at the top are quite happy with a set of rules that keep them there (like no ban on continuous rematches against people who are going to lose), and they are completely opposed to any rules that threaten their positions (like the ability to block a Bimbo who undeniably lacks objectivity in her voting patterns).

In 4:0 scenarios, I have personally been the 5th vote a few times, and the first vote for the other Bimbo a few times.  I’d like to think at least some other Bimbos would also have the integrity to vote the better costume, rather than just figuring 4:0 means it’s over.   Our opinions seem to differ.

10.08.2018 16:50:31
Level 65
Status: Ximboland Artist
Sex Appeal: 216656
Reputation: 79205
Posts: 750
10.08.2018 19:08:24

dee0818 wrote:

Esuna, the hypocrisy in this forum is thick, and the logic selective.  If I understand correctly, you are saying that anything is ok, as long as it doesn’t violate the rules.  At the same time, the screaming is loud about the strategic use of blocking, despite the apparently legality of the actions. 

I started tracking my fight data right after joining, primarily because I didn’t want to challenge the same people multiple times.  Repeatedly challenging someone when you know you will win every time seems tacky and bully-like to me, but apparently some other people don’t feel that way:

     - Nicale is at the top on the list for me.  She has started 6 recent fights, and I’ve lost them all, receiving an average of just 0.67 votes per fight. 

     - Orientina is right behind.  She’s started 4 recent fights, and I’ve lost them all, receiving an average of 1.0 votes each time. 

Both of these Bimbos received a bunch of easy wins, and apparently no rules were broken, so completely legal.  Esuna, you’re saying this is just fine, right?  Well, my moral compass says no – I think I’m being used by a couple of high-ranking Bimbos to inflate their scores, and I think they are candidates for blocking, although I haven’t done that.

By the way, I have slipped up and challenged a couple of Bimbos twice, but that was a mistake, not deliberate, and certainly not strategic.  I am truly sorry for my oversight, and I apologize if anyone felt I was targeting them.

Moving on, I think you are saying the reason people lose 5-0 is because they just don’t have an outfit that measures up, and if 4 people feel that way, no reason not to just make it 5.  Well, since you don’t like comparisons to real world come-from-behind scenarios, I took a look at the fight data I’ve accumulated, and it really doesn’t support your assertion:

     - I lost my first fight with CinnamonAndSunshine 5:1, but I won 5:3 a few days later with the same outfits.
     - Crash won our first fight 5:2, then lost a rematch a few days later, 5:1.
     - fuckdonaldtrump lost our first fight 0:5, and won a day later,  5:3.
     - Pet Vicky lost 5:1, and then won a day later 5:3.
     - Tairis won 5:3, then lost 5:1.
     - TokiKonoe won 0:5 and 1:5, then lost 5:4.
     - And finally, my 10th fight after joining was with Nidale, who actually lost 5:0!  I mentioned she’s come back for a rematch 6 times, all but one being 5:0 or 5:1 wins for her.  The other was a 5:2 win for her.  I wonder if the multiple challenges and lopsided losses is her way of punishing me for handing her a 5:0 loss, and it’s to help restore her ego.  Or maybe it’s just about winning fights and doing what it takes to be a top-3 fighter.  But, hey, no rules were broken.

I don’t know the order in which the votes arrived, so they don’t necessarily show come-from-behind wins, but they do show that a 4:0 vote on a particular costume match has nothing to do with a rematch of the same outfits. 

My point, your argument that a 4:0 score shows clear inferiority of one of the outfits doesn’t square with my experience winning big sometimes and then losing badly with the same outfits in a rematch.  It’s all a matter of who is voting and their opinions.  (Or perhaps being targeted by a gang, though I see no evidence of that.)  Being the 5th vote against someone because 4 other people felt that way, rather than actually comparing seems very unfair.  But, the rules permit it, right?  And that means it’s just fine?  God help me if I actually block people who admit to voting this way.

I have blocked just one Bimbo, TokiKonoe.  She usually voted against me, which I could accept.  She’s entitled to her opinion.  However, when she voted in Slutty for a dude in street clothes and no naughty accessories, while I was bare chested, with a transparent half-slip and holding a whip, it was pretty clear she wasn’t being objective.  I felt and still feel my use of blocking was appropriate and consistent with the intent of protecting oneself against perceived bad actors.

In closing, it seems those at the top are quite happy with a set of rules that keep them there (like no ban on continuous rematches against people who are going to lose), and they are completely opposed to any rules that threaten their positions (like the ability to block a Bimbo who undeniably lacks objectivity in her voting patterns).

In 4:0 scenarios, I have personally been the 5th vote a few times, and the first vote for the other Bimbo a few times.  I’d like to think at least some other Bimbos would also have the integrity to vote the better costume, rather than just figuring 4:0 means it’s over.   Our opinions seem to differ.

1. Hmm I didnt broke any rules. 2. I can challenge the same bimbo 1000 times, you are not more sepcial than any other, have you thought that your outfit appears often in fights so i challenge what it comes to my hand? Ego? No dear, when you won, i had another slutty outfit, one more school girl like and chabged it, improved it because I was losing with it, that was no rematch, it was a new fight. No other bimbo ever got so mad because some challenged her, really now, instead of writing novels here, you could improve, check what the others bimbos like, create something similar, i dont know. 3. I think Toki voted for the himbo because she considered it was an unfair fight, e barely had an outfit?( See what you did? You went for a 100% win , but you judge others if they do , fun fact). I remember reading that Toki said that she will vote for the baked himbos even if the bimbo has a great conclusion, if i challenge a naked himbo or bimbo she will vote against me, s many others.

10.08.2018 19:08:24

  Made by the talented  craigslist-stripper
Get yours at this link --->

Level 46
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Posts: 585
10.08.2018 19:22:39


Well apparently I'm the ambassador of the blocked bimbo's foundation now, so this will be my final piece and response to you because honestly, it comes to a certain point where sometimes your point just won't ever translate. with somebody and we might be sitting here all day theorizing.

Also since you have used your stats I have gone ahead and gone through your statistics as well for comparison, I'm assuming this is ok ...

Stats as of yesterday:
Wins 105 out of 239 = 44% winrate 
Win rate vote breakdowns (your total votes vs opponent = amount of wins in that range)
5 vs 0 = 16
5 vs 1 = 22
5 vs 2 = 25
5 vs 3 = 26
5 vs 4 = 16

Loses 134 / 239
Loss rate (Amount of votes for you vs. the opponent = amount of losses)
0 vs 5 = 19
1 vs 5 = 46
2 vs 5 = 22
3 vs 5 = 32
4 vs 5 = 15

Amount of Wins that are landslide for you (Wins that are in 5vs0, 5vs1, 5vs2) = 63, 60% of wins
Amount of Losses that are landslide your opponent (Losses 0vs5, 1vs5, 2vs5) = 87 , 65% of losses
Amount of times you have challenged bimbos = 183 , 76.5% of total fights
Amount of times bimbos have challenged you = 56, 23.6%
Total # of top 10 that has challenged you in fights = 22 fights total, 9.2% of total fights
Amount of times that you challenged an opponent that in the current state I would deem aren't wearing a slutty outfit = 39 fights, 16% of total fights, in which a lot of these you won, should bimbos block you if you are challenging them while they are in full ballgown attire as there slutty - some may see this as a scapegoat win for you (just playing devil's advocate here, I personally don't care but if roles were reversed and a ballgown won against your slutty outfit we'd see you posting about it.)

So only 9% of your total fights are from the top 10 challenging you. In the majority of cases, 76.5% you have chosen your own opponents/battles to go against. And your winrate is at 44%, meaning that really the top 10 challenging you are not at all responsible. You saying that they are using you as scape goat win is basically you implying about yourself that you are an easy win. The amount of self-reflection you have done in your post is 0. At this point I'm kind of wondering if you are trolling. I really mean no evil behind this but if I didn't know you/and just saw your account with no name attached to it I'd honestly think it's abandoned. You haven't broadened your horizons when it comes to your outfits, you only have 1 up for competition, the rest are unfinished, also you are a senator so you should have some $B.

My honest advice to you:
1. Suck it up, 9% of your challengers are from the top 10, and as I said before majority of the time you are choosing your opponent - they aren't choosing you. 
2. If you want votes - earn them. There's a reason you are in the 100s for outfit battles and it's because you appear to have taken no time to finish anything else off or enter them into categories.
3. A top 10 competitor should in most cases landslide someone in the 100s. If you want to beat em, then take notes and step up your outfits.
4. People voting how they want isn't cheating, there isn't any rule as of this moment. I'm not the rule maker here. Everyone looks out for their own interests at the end of the day. 
5. Subjective opinion - red and pink doesn't go together. You'd be better off putting colours together that are on the opposing sides of the spectrum. 
6. Your debate ratio win rate is good, why not do some more debates? 
7. A loss is a loss and a win is a win at the end of the day. The in between means nothing in terms of the leaderboard.

In conclusion, when I read your statements and other's that are similar to this stance it just feels like you are grabbing for any straw available to demonize people for not voting a certain way in relation to your beliefs of what you think you deserve. The big pill that we all probably have swallowed or are going to have to swallow is that not everyone will like your look. And if you are constantly losing fights/debates there is most likely a reason, and guess what ... it's not some conspiracy that everyone has linked arms and decided to make a plot against you. 

You don't fight fire with fire and expect it to be put out. And you don't want to dig a hole so deep that you can no longer get out.

10.08.2018 19:22:39
 Very busy with school at the moment, so temporary hiatus D:.
Level 264
Status: Citizen
Sex Appeal: 18641067
Reputation: 380789
Posts: 2452
10.08.2018 20:17:28

Dee, I don't understand why you are doing this. I challenge daily different bimbos, I get to vote 120 times a day - that gives me tokens to start 24 fights. I also buy tokens from time to time. It's absolutely impossible for me to keep a track of whom I challenge and when. Maybe you are an active fighter because you just happened to appear in the fights list where I pick opponents (and from other bimbos profile comments, as I surf from profile to profile to look for opponents - as I earlier told you). 

I don't know which himbo outfit you were talking about when I voted against you. But I assure you, it was never personal. Maybe I considered it to be an easy win for you, as Nidale suggested, or maybe I'm just a humanbeing and I accidentally clicked wrong button? That happens to me alot, when I vote by my phone in a rush.
 I admit, I vote alot against your slutty outfit, but nobody can force me to like your outfit with pubichair and female creature from a horror movie creeping behind your bimbo.. I can't help it, I'm sorry. And since I'm blocked, it doesn't matter, does it?

It's not against the rules to challenge same bimbo multiple times, which is good because I challenge Nidale and Orientina daily, maybe some others too, and we are all enjoying those fights. I really would hate if I wasn't able to challenge my favorite fashionistas for example 2 times a  day when they have plenty of beautiful outfits to fight with. We actually do it for fun! We win and we lose, but we totally don't count them and block each other for that. Maybe you should change your attitude towards fights? It can be all fun if you want it to, this is only a game so why take all the losses so seriously? I lose often too, and I really don't care and I totally wont come here to blame and block others for not voting for me. 

You are the only opponent I see here whining and collecting statisics. Did you know there is a naked himbo being challenged every day in red carpet category? He has way more reasons to whine in here, but  he isn't. He probably realizes (or maybe he doesn't) that it's his personal choice to wear nothing (or have a bad outfit). So that's why I suggest you to do something about it instead of using your time to calculate your fight numbers.
Also, you are calling yourself an "easy win", so maybe you are aware that your outfit isn't so good. Instead of accusing people of the weirdest things here, maybe you should use your time to create a new outfit and start fighting.

10.08.2018 20:17:28
Level 59
Status: First Prime Bimbo (2015)
Sex Appeal: 163843
Reputation: 51440
Posts: 1184
10.08.2018 21:56:24

TokiKonoe wrote:
Dee, I don't understand why you are doing this. I challenge daily different bimbos, I get to vote 120 times a day - that gives me tokens to start 12 fights. I also buy tokens from time to time. It's absolutely impossible for me to keep a track of whom I challenge and when. Maybe you are an active fighter because you just happened to appear in the fights list where I pick opponents (and from other bimbos profile comments, as I surf from profile to profile to look for opponents - as I earlier told you). 

I don't know which himbo outfit you were talking about when I voted against you. But I assure you, it was never personal. Maybe I considered it to be an easy win for you, as Nidale suggested, or maybe I'm just a humanbeing and I accidentally clicked wrong button? That happens to me alot, when I vote by my phone in a rush.
 I admit, I vote alot against your slutty outfit, but nobody can force me to like your outfit with pubichair and female creature from a horror movie creeping behind your bimbo.. I can't help it, I'm sorry. And since I'm blocked, it doesn't matter, does it?

It's not against the rules to challenge same bimbo multiple times, which is good because I challenge Nidale and Orientina daily, maybe some others too, and we are all enjoying those fights. I really would hate if I wasn't able to challenge my favorite fashionistas for example 2 times a  day when they have plenty of beautiful outfits to fight with. We actually do it for fun! We win and we lose, but we totally don't count them and block each other for that. Maybe you should change your attitude towards fights? It can be all fun if you want it to, this is only a game so why take all the losses so seriously? I lose often too, and I really don't care and I totally wont come here to blame and block others for not voting for me. 

You are the only opponent I see here whining and collecting statisics. Did you know there is a naked himbo being challenged every day in red carpet category? He has way more reasons to whine in here, but  he isn't. He probably realizes (or maybe he doesn't) that it's his personal choice to wear nothing (or have a bad outfit). So that's why I suggest you to do something about it instead of using your time to calculate your fight numbers.
Also, you are calling yourself an "easy win", so maybe you are aware that your outfit isn't so good. Instead of accusing people of the weirdest things here, maybe you should use your time to create a new outfit and start fighting.

TokiKonoe You and I square off a lot in outfit fights....I usually lose my bloomers in those fights but on occasion I do win. I take it in stride when I lose because the reason I lose is because your out fits are Perfection almost every time. mine not so much. Its helpful to me to challenge a wide variety of bimbos  because that s the only way I can see what outfits are a dud and which ones people like. I try and go easy on new bimbos because I know they are building their closets when I vote .and I try to use a few known duds to give them a chance to beat the sox off of me so they gain a little money and confidence.

10.08.2018 21:56:24
 Life is too Short ,Live for today, tomorrow may never get here!
Level 264
Status: Citizen
Sex Appeal: 18641067
Reputation: 380789
Posts: 2452
10.08.2018 22:06:18

Bebe, i like to challenge you because you are one of the top names here and it's totally ok for me to lose to you. I tend to like the outfits you create. Mostly I want to challenge top bimbos for more exciting and fun fights and your name appears in the fight list often, so I'm more than happy to challenge you. 

10.08.2018 22:06:18
Level 86
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Reputation: 123323
Posts: 1431
11.08.2018 10:23:16

@Dee I think that Your outfits are weak. Your slutty outfit is vulgar not sexy. When I vote in fights and I see Bimbo vs Himbo, I always vote for Himbo. They have less clothes. 

11.08.2018 10:23:16
Sandi Lut
Level 280
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Sex Appeal: 25266456
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Posts: 4181
11.08.2018 10:52:01
Sandi Lut


11.08.2018 10:52:01
Happiness is inside yourself

Level 81
Status: Citizen
Sex Appeal: 420499
Reputation: 115399
Posts: 424
11.08.2018 14:55:39

I don't understand why you are bringing up about my 4 fights sent to you about a month ago on this thread and also calling out other bimbos.
After I received your private message on Jul 13th, I apologized you and promised not to send you any more fights and I haven't.
I've checked fights history with you, and apart from the very last one I sent I think there were good days apart, but everyone's
opinion about frequency of fights should sent to same bimbo are different so, maybe your rule is 1 month a part? or they should never sent you if they won. 
I don't know.......

Jul 02 ( Fight sent from dee )
Jul 06 ( Fights sent from me )
Jul 09 ( Fights sent from me )
Jul 12 ( Fights sent from me )
Jul 13 ( Fights sent from me )

I often fight with same bimbos. It's not always winning. Because I have no control of people's voting or people sending me fights which is welcome for me.
If I loose many times, I change outfit and If I see bimbos with new look, I send them fights. Why not celebrate if they come up with nice new look!

Same people fight you, vote you, vote against you. Like we all do.
You sent me 1 fight, Voted for me 30 times, Voted against me 44. (Since I don't know when you joined so I counted from 2 Jul which is starting of your fight list.)
I didn't realized that you were participating my fights that much till I checked today.
I thank you for your votes, and sorry that I wasn't participating yours as much as you did mine.
I send you 4 fights, voted for you 2 times, voted against you 4times.
Ever since I received message from you, I tried to skip voting most of your fights to avoid offend you if I ever voted against you like I did with my 4 fights.
but my very recent 3 votes(28, 29 Jul & 6Aug) against you, I think was not careful enough to skip them.

I don't exactly remember but when I sent you fights I guess you just started to join and at the time your look was new to me that's why I send you fights.
But I still see you wearing same look, do you enjoy playing same outfit all the time?
Maybe I'm playing here long enough, winning is not really my concern atm. I more enjoy switching up my looks and fight against many other fabulous bimbos.

11.08.2018 14:55:39

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Ximbo land ?
The Internet republic of Ximbo lands is the worlds first Internet republic.

What is its mission?
To unite the world.

Where is Miss Bimbo was much better than this site.
The Internet republic of Ximbo land was created by Miss Bimbo herself and is its more intelligent successor. The old site was for junior bimbos. This site is for intelligent Ximbos.

What is the national flag of Ximbo land?
Ximbolands Flag

When was the Internet republic of Ximbo land founded

What is the capital city of the Internet republic of Ximbo land?
Bimbo City

How many states make up the internet republic of Ximbo land?
There are 6 states that make up the internet republic of Ximbo lands. They are ­ Atheistia, Freethinkerland, Reasonopia, Agnostica, Secville, and Antitheocra. Bimbo City is the neutral administrative capital and is its own city zone. Boob Island is the home of the President of the Internet republic of Ximbo land

What is a Ximbo citizen?
A ‘Ximbo’ or ‘Ximbo citizen’ is a member of the internet republic of Ximbolands community.

How can I become a Ximbo citizen?
In order to become a citizen of Ximboland you must first pass the Ximbolands citizens test. It is free to become a Ximbo citizen.

What is a Ximbo senator?
A Ximbo senator is a senior member of the Internet republic of Ximbo land. Only senators are eligible to put themselves forward for election to become State Ministers and then ultimately the Prime Ximbo.

Who is the Prime Ximbo?
The Prime Ximbo is the democratically elected head of the Internet republic of Ximbo land.

Where does the Prime Ximbo live?
The Prime Ximbo lives in the Pink House for the 4 month term they are in office.

I want to become Prime Ximbo. How do I do that?
Any Ximbo citizen can become Prime Ximbo using the democratic process. Its a 3 stage process from Senator>State Minister> Prime Ximbo. All Ximbo citizens can vote in general elections but in order to put themselves forward to become Prime Ximbo they must first become a Ximbo senator. All Ximbo senators are electable as state ministers. State Minister elections take place every 4 months also. Only state ministers are eligible to then become the Prime Ximbo.

Can I become Prime Ximbo more than once?
Yes ­ a Ximbo can hold the position of Prime Ximbo for 3 terms max.

How often do elections take place?
The Internet republic of Ximbolands holds elections every 4 months for Prime Ximbo and 4 months for State Minister.

Where do important discussions take place?
The Forum.

What is the treasury/Prime Ximbos salary?
The treasury/salary is the bank account of the Internet republic of Ximbo land. This figure is transferred to the paypal account of the Prime Ximbo at the end of their 4 month term in charge.

How is the treasury calculated?
The treasury is funded by the Ximbo citizens.
A percentage of the money paid by Ximbo citizens via Paypal and SMS is transferred into the Ximbo treasury. The rest is wisely used for further game development.

What's the national colour of Ximbo land?

How old must I be in order to become a Ximbo land citizen?
Anyone over the age of 18 are welcome to become a Ximbo citizen.

When are the national holidays of Ximbo land?
Jan 1st ­ New years day
Feb 12th ­ Darwin day
Feb 14th ­ Lovers day
March 8th ­ Womens day
March 21st ­ Spring solstice
April 13th ­ The Hitchslap Day (Christopher Hitchens birthday)
May 3rd ­ National day of reason
June 21st ­ World Humanist Day
Aug 2nd ­ The Internet republic of Ximbo land national day
Sep 21st ­ Peace one day
Dec 25th ­ Newtons birthday

What is the currency of Ximbo land?
The Ximbo Dollar (B$). Currently it is pegged in value to the US$

Who is the President of Ximbo land?
Miss Bimbo is the president of Ximbo land. She founded the bimbo nation in 2007 after escaping the tyranny, bigotry and and conservatism of the old world. You can read more about her here and here


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